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Abstract (English):
Efficiency of the inhibition of the ethylbenzene initiated oxidation by genistein and its mixtures with the soy bean lecithin is investigated by the volumometric method. Genistein is established to interact with peroxyl radicals of ethylbenzene, its inhibitory parameter is calculated (ƒ k 7 = 4,2·104 L´mol-1s-1) and the estimation of the stoichiometric inhibition coefficient f value is performed, the low limit of which is more 3,5. Hence, two OH-groups or more among the genistein molecule composition take put in the reaction with peroxyl radicals of ethylbenzene. Lecithin being a mixture of natural lipids accelerates the initiated oxidation of ethylbenzene and substantially reduces the inhibitory efficiency of genistein. Besides, the reduction of the inhibitory efficiency is not linear in the dependence on the lecithin concentration in reaction mixture. This effect is the most pronounced at the low concentration of lecithin, while the increase of the lecithin concentration from 1 to 15 mg/ml does not practically result to further diminution of the inhibitory efficiency of genistein. Data obtained allow us to conclude about a necessity of the detail studying of the antioxidative properties of flavonoids in the complex systems.

initiated oxidation, antioxidative properties, genistein, natural phospholipids
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