A model of spatio-temporal self-organization of urinean ecosystems as superpositions of conjugate active media is proposed. At the heart of the model is the modified FitzHugh-Nagumo equation, which takes into account the inhomogeneities of anthropogenic (activator) and natural (inhibitor) factors in the human-anthropogenic ecosystems. The validity of the application of an equation of this type is determined by the relative simplicity of the system analysis of two equations of the "activator-inhibitor" type. An analytical and numerical study of stationary solutions of the system is presented. The model is confirmed by the data of population density and population density and map data of the development of Moscow (Kuntsevo district) from 1952 to 1968. The forecast models of the development of New Moscow and Shanghai from 2017 to 2030 are considered. The proposed model makes it possible to identify threshold values of control parameters and the main principles of the development of autowave processes forming the structures of urineecosystems
active media, autowave self-organization, urban ecosystems
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