The chromogenic (carotenoid) complex A.platensis and the influence on its formation of dehydration stress is studied. Various conditions of dehydration at different temperatures and the influence of UV-A (365 nm) irradiation and visible light (450 nm) on the formation of biologically important carotenoids have been investigated. A method was developed for extraction and purification of xanthophylls: myxoxanthophyll (63 %) and oscillaxanthin (27 %) from biomass A.platensis using fluid: liquid extraction with the Folch extraction. It was - found that irradiation in the near ultraviolet range (365 nm) at a temperature of 38 oC leads to an increase in the synthesis of xanthophylls, and a low temperature does not have such effect.
spirulina, carotinoids, xanthophylls, dehydration, dehydration stress
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