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Abstract (English):
Comparative analysis of the spontaneous aggregation of lecithin in systems with the different polarity and the interrelation between the lipid composition and size of liposomes formed from them by means of ultrasound are performed used the soy bean lecithin and lipids isolated from organs of mice as sources of the natural lipids. Analysis of the experimental data allows us to suppose that the process of the spontaneous aggregation of micelles from the natural lipids in the polar medium depends on the medium properties to more extent than from the quantitative ratio of the phospholipid fractions in lecithin samples. However, the role of the lipid composition including the minor fractions of phospholipids substantially increases under the micelle formation from the natural lipids in the polar medium by means of ultrasound. The understanding of the membrane-genesis in the biological systems is due to a necessity of further Investigations of the micellar formation mechanism from the natural lipids in the polar media.

lecithin, lipids from the organs of mice, dynamic light scattering, phospholipid composition
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