Polymer nanoparticles of various composition and morphology are increasingly used to create drug delivery systems. This paper discusses the preparation of polymeric micelles based on amphiphilic copolymers such as poly ( N -methacrylamido- D -glucose)- b -poly( O -cholesteryl methacrylate) and poly ( L -lysine- co - L -phenylalanine) with different amino acid ratios. These copolymers were synthesized using a controlled radical polymerization and a ring-opening polymerization of N-carboxyanhydrides of a-amino acids, respectively, and characterized by GPC, NMR and amino acid HPLC analysis. Based on the synthesized amphiphilic copolymers, spherical nanoparticles were obtained whose hydrodynamic diameter ranged from 110 to 200 nm, depending on the composition of the copolymer. The morphology of the obtained nanoparticles was studied by transmission electron microscopy. For all synthesized polymers, the formation of spherical micelles was observed. The efficiency of dexamethasone encapsulation in polymeric micelles was 70-90 %. The obtained systems were characterized by stability with respect to the spontaneous release of dexamethasone under model physiological conditions.
amphiphilic copolymers, nanoparticles, polymer micelles, drug encapsulation, dexamethasone
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