The article describes an invasive tumor with a large area of tissue damage and a small relative density of malignant cells. The dynamics of the inflammatory process is quantitatively described, following the change in cell concentration - the number of cells per unit volume of tissue. A mathematical model for the growth of a malignant tumor is proposed. In this tumor growth model, 3 types of cells are taken into account: malignant, healthy and white blood cells - lymphocytes. It is believed that the proliferation of malignant, healthy cells and lymphocytes in space occurs due to diffusion. Apoptosis (cell death after a certain number of divisions) in malignant cells is absent. That is, malignant cells are "immortal". Healthy cells can be "infected": because of the proliferation of tumor cells, the signaling molecules do not flow to healthy cells, which is why they begin to multiply uncontrollably. The constructed model was solved numerically by the predictor-corrector method. Several cases were considered: a model without malignant cells, a case with an insufficient number of lymphocytes, and when the immune system manages to defeat the disease. The model showed good convergence with experimental data.
chemotaxis, malignant tumor, immunotherapy, mathematical model
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