In the conducted study the effect of the polysaccharide anti-ulcer regenerative-reparatory drug «Immeran», extracted from Solanum tuberosum L. , on the course of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the Okabe model in Wistar white rats was studied. At the same time, the effect of the polysaccharide preparation on the level of cytokines in the serum of rats was studied. «Immeran» has been found to modulate the level of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines consistently with the period of development of the disease - in the destructive and healing phases of the ulcer. The level of cytokines IL-1b and IFN-γ on day 4 of the course of peptic ulcer was high, and IL-4 was low, the administration of «Immeran» resulted in the opposite effect, which had a positive effect on wound healing. In parallel with this, a histological study of the ulcerative defect was performed, on which a significant change was found in the processes of regeneration of the gastric mucosa under the action of the polysaccharide preparation «Immeran». Including determined the ulcer index and pathological changes in the stomach wall after slaughter of animals. It was found that the use of the drug «Immeran» in the model of chronic ulcer reliably improves the condition of the experimental patients with two, and acute - with a threefold administration.
IL-1b, IL-4, IFN-γ, Immeran, polysaccharide, ulcerative defect
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