Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this work, we simulated the passage of charged particle tracks through various regions of the hippocampus of rats, which included the main cell types of various morphology. For each model of the neuron we modeled a cellular body (soma) with nuclear DNA, axon and dendrites, with spines and synaptic receptors distributed on them. With the use of the Geant4 Monte-Carlo method we simulated the physicochemical processes in the hippocampal neurons and the neural networks formed by them under irradiation with charged particles in a wide range of linear energy transfer (LET). The calculation of the formation of molecular damage of various types in the sensitive structures of nerve cells taking into account the processes of water radiolysis after radiation exposure was also carried out. It is predicted that the yield of cluster single-stranded DNA breaks, including base damage, has maximum at LET values in the range of 20-50 keV/μm. The maximum yield of double-stranded DNA breaks per unit of absorbed dose is observed at LET values within 100-200 keV/μm, and the largest yield of cluster double-stranded DNA breaks, including base damage, occurs in the area of LET around 300 keV/μm. The results obtained are in agreement with the published experimental data.

neurons, charged particle track, clustered DNA damage, RBE
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