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Abstract (English):
Effects of new synthetic sulfur-containing monophenols on erythrocytes and tumor cells were studied. To establish the molecular structure descriptors characterizing the biological activity of the compounds, new synthetic structurally related water-soluble monophenols with varying length of the hydrocarbon chain of the para -alkylthiosulfonate substituent, the amount of tert -butyl ortho -substituents and the "S-S" fragment structure were used: sodium 3-(3'- tert -butyl-4'-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl thiosulfonate (TS-12), sodium 3-(3'- tert -butyl-4'-hydroxyphenyl)propyl sulfonate (S-13), sodium 3-(3'- tert -butyl-4'-hydroxyphenyl)propyl thiosulfonate (TS-13), sodium 3-(3',5'-di- tert -butyl-4'-hydroxyphenyl)propyl thiosulfonate (TS-17). It was shown that the studied monophenols increase the structural stability of human erythrocytes during oxidative hemolysis. However, under the action of the antioxidant C-13, in which the thiosulfonate group in the para -propyl substituent is replaced by the sulfonate group in comparison with other monophenols, the increase in the structural stability of erythrocytes during oxidative hemolysis was several times less in comparison with other antioxidants. It was also found the antitumor activity of several monophenols against human larynx carcinoma cells. It has been established that the key structural descriptor of new sulfur-containing antioxidants, that determine the toxic properties of compounds against tumor cells, is the presence of the thiosulfonate group in the para -propyl compound substituent. The obtained results provide new opportunities for the development of antitumor therapy methods.

antioxidants, reactive oxygen species, erythrocytes, tumor cells, redox regulation
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