In the development of biophysics, a special place corresponds to concepts, or systems of views regarding processes occurring in a living cell. Precisely, a systematic view of such processes leads us to an understanding of the phenomenon of life. In the twentieth century, the staff and co-authors of the Department of Biophysics at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow “Lomonosov” University developed a number of concepts that allow to take a fresh look at the processes occurring in a cell. The concept of “Protein Machine” (Shnoll, Chernavsky, Khurgin) was confirmed in the works of many authors, including Lev Blumenfeld and Alexander Tikhonov. The concept of hierarchy of forces and interactions (Esipova) formed the basis of the original course of lectures on the physics of biopolymers, which has been delivered at the Department for more than forty years and was further developed in the works of Natalia Esipova, Vladimir Tumanyan and Vladimir Namiot. The concept of matrix recognition, developed in the works of Georgy Gursky, Alexander Zasedatelev and collaborators, was confirmed in the cycle of works on the interaction of ligands with DNA and led to a number of important results - from the construction of molecular and thermodynamic models of ligand binding to DNA to the discovery of the allosteric effect of DNA. In recent years, the concept of chirality (Vsevolod Tverdislov) has been developed, which makes it possible to take a new look at the system of macromolecular interactions in the cell. The concept of cosmic-physical factors, developed earlier by Simon Shnoll, has found further development and a number of interesting applications. The department has formed specialists from other countries, such as Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Iraq and Cuba. Most of them still continue their research in the field of molecular biophysics. With the assistance of Simon Shnoll, the department developed a model of chemical oscillations, known in the world scientific literature as the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction, one of the classic examples of biophysical of nonlinear systems.
molecular machines, hierarchies of structures, cooperativity, allosteric effects, DNA-protein interactions, cosmic-physical factors
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7. Batyanovskiy A.V., Namiot V.A., Filatov I.V., Moldaver M.V., Anashkina A.A., Tumanyan V.G., Esipova N.G., Volotovskiy I.D. Konformacionno-stabil'nye segmenty v spiral'nyh strukturah polipeptidnyh cepey belkov i ih rol' pri formirovanii struktur vysshih urovney. Biofizika, 2013, t. 58, s. 1969-1973. @@[Batianovsky A.V., Namiot V.A., Filatov I.V., Moldaver M.V., Anashkina A.A., Tumanyan V.G., Esipova N.G., Volotovsky I.D. Conformational-stable segments in the helical structures of polypeptide chains of proteins and their role in the formation of higher-level structures. Biofizika, 2013, vol. 58, pp. 1969-1973. (In Russ.)] EDN:
8. Tvepdiclov V.A. Hipal'noct' kak pepvichnyy pepeklyuchatel' iepapxicheckix upovney v molekulyapno-biologicheckix cictemax. Biofizika, 2013, t. 58, s. 159-164. @@[Tverdislov V.A. Chirality as a primary switch of hierarchical levels in molecular biological systems. Biophysics, 2013, vol. 58, pp. 128-132.] EDN:
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10. Gurskiy G.V., Tumanyan V.G., Zasedatelev A.S., Zhuze A.L., Grohovskiy S.L., Gottih B.P. Kod, upravlyayuschiy specificheskim svyazyvaniem regulyatornyh belkov s DNK, i struktura stereospecificheskih uchastkov regulyatornyh belkov. Molekulyarnaya biologiya, 1975, t. 9, s. 635-651. @@[Gurskiĭ G.V., Tumanian V.G., Zasedatelev A.S., Zhuze A.L., Grokhovskiĭ S.L., Gottikh B.P. A code governing specific binding of regulatory proteins to DNA and structure of stereospecific sites of regulatory proteins. Molekuliarnaia biologia, 1975, vol. 9, pp. 635-651. (In Russ.)]
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