Sevastopol, Russian Federation
The self-association of unmodified C60 fullerene and its complexation with chemotherapeutic drugs (in particular, doxorubicin, cisplatin and landomycin A) in aqueous solution are considered as a possible key stage of the in vivo and in vitro biological synergy mechanism observed with the combined use of drugs with C60 fullerene. A complete characterization of the aqueous fullerene solution has been performed; hypotheses have been put forward on the nature of the intermolecular forces stabilizing the fullerene conglomerates. The sizes of fullerene clusters were estimated, and this parameter was compared with the biological activity of the drug and its complexes with other biologically active compounds. For the first time, a mathematical model is proposed for calculating the thermodynamic parameters of fullerene aggregation. The results of the application of various physicochemical methods are analyzed, which makes it possible for better understanding the nature of the forces stabilizing the complexes of fullerene C60 with these drugs. A physicochemical mechanism is proposed which allows, at least partially, explain the biological interaction of the drug C60.
fullerene C60, antibiotic, aqueous solution, aggregation
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