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Abstract (English):
Giant biodiversity is based on the gigantic molecular diversity of linear combinations of 20 amino acid residues in peptide structures. Their combination is a global proteome of the Earth. The amino acid sequences of ~200 million natural peptide structures have been decoded. It is believed that each of them is dedicated a specific role in a living organism. Despite such a significant number of known peptide molecules, a good part of the global proteome has not yet been deciphered. However, familiar information is already used for various analyses and generalizations. A large part of such analyses is devoted to the study of fragments representing the global proteome. Theoretically, the possible number of different peptide structures composed of only 50 amino acid residues is characterized by a value of ~1034. A huge number of such structure fragments served as the basis for the emergence of the concept of fragmentomics - a direction which studied the structure and functions of a set of protein fragments. These data have been collected and studied in the EROP-Moscow database for 30 years, and their number is more than 26,000 now. A large number of regulators of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, as well as a variety of antimicrobial oligopeptides, enzyme inhibitors, and many others possessing specific physical and chemical features were among them. The analysis of the EROP-Moscow database information allowed us to conclude that regulatory oligopeptides arise from three sources. These are oligopeptide regulators cleaved from specialized endogenous precursors using special enzymes, ordinary endogenous protein polypeptides (for example, hemoglobin, albumin, etc.), cleaved by proteolytic enzymes to small fragments, as well as exogenous proteins or their fragments entering the body from the outside as a result of a meal or bite (e.g., insects They form in the organism a constantly changing pool of endogenous and exogenous substances of peptide nature (continuum), which is included in the functioning of all regulatory systems.

proteome, protein structures
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