For the first time, the dynamics of supramolecular topologically associated ensembles (Hn-nucleoplasms, Chr-I-chromatin loosely and Chr-II tightly bound to the nuclear matrix and the NM itself) is examined, on the interface of which a super molecular reorganization of the non-histone and histone proteomes with an interphase-heteropolymeric chromatin matrix is presented, whose important for understanding the characteristics of biochemical processes in the transition from heterotrophic to autotrophic plant development. The data presented may be of interest to biophysicists and those who are engaged in the development of logical-mathematical schemes of the theory and practice of biological specificity and may be included in the ontology database of the stages of growth and development of karyogenomic plants.
Proteomics, Interphase nuclear topology, Supramolecular biochemistry, Karyogenomics, wheat, signaling systems
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