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Abstract (English):
The molecule ovokinin (2-7), aminoacid sequence which is derived by area 359-364 molecules ovalbumin, corresponds to the minimum sequence ovokinin, greatly lowerring arterial pressure. In given work was organized comparative study of the spatial construction and conformational characteristic of the molecules ovokinin (2-7) and novokinin by method molecular mechanics method. The results of calculation have shown that in weak-polar environment these peptides preferably form the similar stable structures, for which typical extending structure with two turns of peptide chain. There was is shown that energy preferred conformation of these peptide is stabilized by efficient electrostatic interactions with forming the hydrogen bonds between atoms of guanidine groups of side chain of arginine and carboxilate groups of molecules. As a result of comparative study of two structured similar peptides, ovokinin (2-7) and novokinin, were determined the energy preferred areas of the values of dihedral angles and orientations of residues in low-energy conformations of molecules. On base of obtained geometric parameters were formed molecular models of energy preferred conformations of ovokinin (2-7) and novokinin.

antihypertensive peptide, ovokinin (2-7), novokinin, conformation, molecular mechanics method
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