This paper discusses the study of the qualitative characteristics of meadow chernozem soils of the Belogorsky district, Republic of Crimea. Using IR and Raman spectroscopy methods has been reliably established that a qualitative and quantitative change in the component organic-inorganic composition occurs in the analyzed soils. IR spectroscopy revealed differences in the mineralogical composition of soils not only spatially, but also with depth. Among the minerals, primary (calcite, quartz, and gypsum) and secondary (clay) minerals - montmorillonite, kaolinite, halloysite, glauconite, and saponite - are clearly defined. In all samples, the presented minerals form certain associations. The formation of geochemical barriers can only be judged indirectly, based on the results of infrared spectroscopy. Thus, in meadow chernozemic soils formed on clayey rocks, sorption barriers are most likely to form within C (D) horizons, while in soils formed on high carbonate rocks, alkaline barriers are more likely to form. The possibility of the existence of several geochemical barriers within a single soil section should also be taken into account. Qualitative component characteristics also make it possible to predetermine the migration processes of substances not only in solid form, but also in ionic. This is facilitated by an understanding of the processes of coordination of molecules in the analyzed substances and the possibility of attaching accompanying cations and/or anions to them. Using Raman spectroscopy, the presence of polymeric compounds belonging to PVC in soils from the Melnichnoye rural settlement was ascertained for certain. The information obtained suggests a high efficiency of the method in establishing the degree of soil contamination with microplastic.
meadow chernozem soils, minerals, microplastic, humus, IR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, Belogorsky district
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