The paper presents a brief history and analysis of this problem, which has long been ambiguously accepted by the scientific community and to which Russian researchers have made a significant contribution. Undoubtedly, this theme is associated with research in the field of low doses of ionizing radiation and weak non-ionizing electromagnetic fields, as well as with the results of homeopathic practice in medicine, which has more than 200 years and does not have any theoretical grounds up to now. Since the late 1970s, various authors have shown on different biological models that the biological effect reappears when the concentration of the active substance decreases from the commonly used concentration. However, it may be more intense or even have an opposite sign of response. Thus, the dependence of the biological response to a decreasing concentration of the active substance is non-monotonous and can be characterized by several extremes. Studies of physical and chemical characteristics of concentration dependences in the field of low and ultralow concentrations carried out in our country and abroad, convincingly show occurrence of similar patterns. We have shown for the first time a high correlation between the physical characteristics of highly diluted solutions and the biological response of single-cell organisms, which was confirmed by other researchers. It has been established that the non-classical behavior of diluted aqueous solutions is associated with the formation of mesoparticles about one hundred nanometers in size. In many cases, the formation of mesoparticles is not observed when holding samples of aqueous solutions in the conditions of a weakened magnetic field of the Earth. The observed effects go beyond the classical concepts of solutions. The paper formulates questions that require experimental and theoretical solutions.
diluted aqueous solutions, microheterogeneity, self-organization, mesoparticles, diluted aqueous solutions, microheterogeneity, self-organization, mesoparticles
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