The study of the structure of viral envelope proteins, as well as the possibilities of their modification and structural rearrangement is extremely important for the development of completely new approaches for creating biotechnological products, including medical ones. Plant viruses have an absolute advantage in the production of new functional and biologically active materials, in particular promising vaccines, since they are not pathogenic for mammals, including humans. On the example of a typical representative of the potexvirus group - potato X-virus, the specificity of the spatial structure of envelope proteins is studied. A systematic analysis of the causes of deviations from the globular form is carried out. One reason is the biological function of protecting RNA. A full-sized protein was simulated using the I-Tasser server and the conformation of its N-terminus was first considered. A compactness criterion for laying a polypeptide chain in space is proposed. In contrast to the empirical formulas used in the literature, a method for calculating the radius of gyration of a protein by its primary structure is presented, the values of the gyration radii for various types of amino acid residues are presented.
potexvirus X-virus potato, simulation of the spatial structure, radius of gyration
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