Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The effect of various concentrations of nutrients on the growth dynamics of the microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana, as well as on the content of chlorophyll and the fluorescence of the cells of the culture is considered. Using the method of fluorimetry, the photosynthetic activity of culture cells was evaluated. It was shown that a low content of nitrates and phosphates leads to a decrease in the growth rate of the culture, a decrease in the concentration of chlorophyll in water samples, and also to a decrease in the speed of electron transport at the level of photosystem II, quantum yield, and basic fluorescence indices. The photosynthetic efficiency index (PI) of the functioning of photosystem II was evaluated. It was shown that the PI index increases with an intensive increase in the biomass of Chlorella sorokiniana, and decreases with a decrease in the growth rate of the culture.

fluorescence, phytoplankton, nitrates, phosphates, chlorophyll
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