Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The search for natural adaptogens that can stabilize the energy balance of cells against the background of drugs low doses which pollute water is relevant. The aim of the work is to identify the protective effect of thermophilic blue-green algae (TA1 and TA2) extracted from two of Kamchatka’s hydrothermal waters on native blood cells. By use of the microscope-microfluorimeter, lymphocytes (L) and neutrophils (N) were detected in donor venous native blood smears. Then the sum of the transmembrane potentials (TMP) on the outer and mitochondrial membranes was estimated from the fluorescence intensity and color of the polychromatic cationic probe 4- (n- dimethylaminstyryl) - 1-methylpyridinium (DSM). The ratio between cell pools with low and high TMPs in L or N populations were used as an indicator of the cell population energy activity (EAP). During in vitro tests of TA on control blood samples, an increase in mitochondrial activity in L was detected, but a decrease in TMP in N was observed.The analysis of the experimental data revealed a significant decrease in the EAP after the blood pre-incubation with the Cyclophosphamide (C) (0.002 mg / l) at 37°C. It is established that the TA1 (unlike TA2) causes a partial EAP restoration for L and reduces the C toxic effect on the mitochondria. From a comparison of the data obtained, it follows that these TBs exhibit adaptogenic activity in the blood, since their effects depend on the initial immune cells activity in fresh and daily blood samples.

thermophilic algae, adaptation, fluorescent probe DSM, native blood, lymphocytes, neutrophils, transmembrane potential, mitochondrial activity, cyclophosphamide, thermophilic algae, adaptation, fluorescent probe DSM, native blood, lymphocytes, neutrophils, transmembrane potential, mitochondrial activity, cyclophosphamide
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