Composite protein-polysaccharide hydrogels are used in the development of delivery systems and in regenerative medicine for the replacement and treatment of tissues and organocellular therapy due to the cheapness of raw materials, biocompatibility, low toxicity, and intrinsic biological activity of the components. In this work, the possibility of obtaining composite hydrogels based on the weakly charged non-gelling polysaccharide galactans from potatoes and the gel-forming protein fibrinogen was investigated. The results of the study show that fibrinogen binds to galactan, preserving the ability to enzymatic polymerization. The resulting composite hydrogels consist of fibrin fibers with polysaccharide globular particles incorporated into them, and characterized by a higher density, elasticity, and resistance to lysis as compared to pure fibrin, which makes them promising for biotechnological and biomedical applications.
protein-polysaccharide hydrogels, fibrin, potato galactan
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