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Abstract (English):
The estimation of transport proteins associated with the phenomenon of multidrug resistance (P-glycoprotein and the protein of multidrug resistance - MRP1) amount and the cysteine-containing low-molecular-weight proteins metallothioneins level of expression in donor’s lymphocytes, B-lymphoblastoid cell line IM9 and its subline resistant to fludarabel were conducted. It was found decrease in the ratio of expression of P-glycoprotein to MRP1 in IM9 subline resistant to fludarabel relative to IM9 parental cell line. So, one of the mechanisms contributing to the development of multidrug resistance in the IM9 cell line, equally with increase of MRP1 protein importance, take place cysteine-enriched cytosolic proteins metallothioneins I/II classes activation as was found.

cell line IM9, multidrug resistance proteins P-glycoprotein and MRP1, metallothioneins, anticancer drugs
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