The paper discusses the methods for the isolation of tocopherols from Helianthus annuus L. sunflower seeds and their separation into different homologous forms. The aim of this work is to describe and compare the techniques for the isolation and separation of tocopherols of sunflower seeds into different homologous forms for the analysis of their composition. The techniques described in this work allow us to assess the composition of tocopherols in sunflower varieties and hybrids. The choice of method for evaluating tocopherols is especially important for crop breeders and depends on laboratory equipment and field of study. The paper considers the method of thin-layer chromatography on silica gel and the method of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). These methods are universal in their group of methods, but they are not suitable for all areas of research. For the determination of tocopherols in the fields of biochemistry, food and analytical chemistry, in which an accurate measurement of the concentration and composition of tocopherol homologues is required, HPLC will be most useful. This method combines high accuracy and sensitivity and is able to perform analysis faster than other methods in its group. Using the method of thin-layer chromatography, it is impossible to quantitatively determine a substance, or it is possible to produce them with a very high error. However, this method is still sensitive enough to accurately identify different compounds. If necessary, it is possible to determine the homologues and isomers of the desired compounds, which are close to the desired compounds by their chemical properties. These features of the method make it possible to use it to determine the composition of tocopherols in a small range of sciences. This method will be especially useful in the breeding and genetics of oilseeds, since it is able to provide comprehensive information on the biochemical properties of the studied hybrids and varieties of not only sunflower, but also other oilseeds.
vitamin E, homologues of tocopherol, thin-layer chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC
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