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Abstract (English):
The effect of honey of various botanical species, food sugars, and the vegetable sweetener Stevioside on glucose tolerance and the rate of its withdrawal from the bloodstream was studied by IR spectroscopy of disturbed total internal reflection and biochemical analysis as a provoking load. The study of blood plasma for glucose content was carried out by the method of glycemic (sugar) curves at 4 points of blood collection in a female donor who underwent a drug course of treatment at the initial stage of prediabetes of the second type. Preliminary research by methods of refractometry and biochemical analysis of preparations of monosaccharides (glucose, fructose), food disaccharides (beet and cane sugar) and honey with different ratios of monosaccharides (steppe, buckwheat, chestnut, white acacia) made it possible to identify the manifestation of bands caused by glucose and fructose in the IR spectra of blood plasma and the manifestation of the metabolic memory of the body on the seasonal composition of the food diet.

human blood plasma, honey, saccharides, Fourier IR spectroscopy
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