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Abstract (English):
In the course of the work, the main criteria of analytical reliability were calculated, such as accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, by which biochemical methods for diagnosing a new coronavirus infection are assessed. More preference in the clinical diagnosis of COVID-19 was given to the PCR method, which is recognized as the "gold standard", because the test kits for this method had high sensitivity and specificity in determining the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which indicates the possibility of its use in the early stages diagnosis of infection and use as the main method for detecting COVID˗19. Of the serological methods for examining blood serum, it is the ELISA method that is the most effective method in determining the immune response to the transferred COVID-19 infection. The high sensitivity and accuracy of the method make it possible to recognize the desired substance, even if its concentration in the sample is low, and the high specificity of the method indicates the error-free diagnosis, if the test for the determination of antibodies showed a "positive" result, this indicates that exactly those antibodies or antigens were found to coronavirus in the blood, which is currently an important criterion in determining a new coronavirus infection.

PCR, ELISA, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, coronavirus infection
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