Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
From the perspective of ecological adaptation of plants, from the position of interdisciplinary science - supramolecular chemistry, the dynamics of supramolecular topologically associated structures of the total chromatin matrix (TChrM) is considered: Np-nucleoplasm, ChrI-chromatin is fragile and ChrII-strongly bound to the nuclear matrix and NM itself. At the interface of which, there is a proteomic super molecular reorganization of non-histone and histone ensembles of the TChrM proteome, the macrokinetics of which is important for understanding the features of biochemical processes in the genetic subsystems of a plant (root → mesocotyl → coleoptile) of the transition period from heterotrophic to autotrophic plant development. An algorithm for the dynamics of proteomic super molecular ensembles at the interface of the supramolecular structures of TChrM is shown. The positioning role of the "core" histone (H3 + H4) ꞌꞌ ensembles in the supra-blocks: Np, Chr-II, NM in the winter phenotype, in the zone of homeomorphism (according to the topological terminology of R. Tom) of the root system, as an integrative stabilization of the space-temporal , physiological and genetic stress resistance of the organism relative to spring wheat. The data presented may be of interest to biophysicists and enter the database of the ontology of the stages of growth and development of stress resistance of plants in the environment.
Proteomics, Interphase chromatin topology, supramolecular biochemistry, wheat, genetic stress resistance
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