Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Experiments on radiation-induced impairment of adult neurogenesis, characterized by the death of radiosensitive cell populations, consider the effect of radiation either on populations of neural stem cells and amplifying neuronal progenitor, or for neuroblasts and immature neurons. These cell types are the progenitors of astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and mature neurons, but the effect of radiation on mature cell types after the death of progenitor cells has not been considered. To simulate the effect of X-ray radiation on the production of mature cell types, we modified the mathematical model of adult neurogenesis developed by us, taking into account the radiation-induced death of all four radiosensitive populations of progenitor cells. As a result, the survival rate of astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and mature neurons after X-ray irradiation of mice aged 45 days was calculated for the first time. The simulated radiation doses were 0, 1, 5 Gy. The calculated age-related dynamics curves demonstrate that the initial number of all three populations of mature cells does not recover during the entire life of the mice.

neurogenesis, mathematical modeling, radiation-induced effects, radiation therapy
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