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Abstract (English):
In a scientific research work, methods were studied and selected to assess the degree of damage to the lung tissue in patients with a diagnosed new coronavirus infection. For this, physical methods were used - the method of computed tomography, as well as alternative optical and immunological methods for examining blood serum. The aim of the study was to determine biochemical markers of blood inflammation, such as ferritin, fibrinogen, CRP, PCT, IL-6, lactate, in the blood serum of patients with new coronavirus infection as an alternative way to assess the degree of lung damage. In the course of our work, we examined the blood serum and computed tomography readings of 554 patients in the intensive care unit of the Research Institute - Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 "diagnosed with a new coronavirus infection. The practical significance of the research work lies in the recommendation of the use of immunological and optical methods to study the condition of patients with COVID-19. To achieve this goal, changes in biochemical parameters in blood serum were determined at the first, second, third and fourth degrees of lung damage in people of different ages and sex; In the course of the work, a correlation analysis was carried out between the biochemical parameters of blood and the degree of lung damage, assessed according to the indications of computed tomography, on the basis of which we concluded that optical and immunological methods for the determination of IL-6 and ferritin in blood serum, a change concentrations of which correlated with an increase in the percentage of lung tissue damage, can serve as an alternative way to assess the severity of the disease and predict the further course of COVID-19.

COVID-19, optical methods, immunological methods, computed tomography method
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