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Abstract (English):
It was studied the possibility of using stable radicals to determine the content of phenols in the reaction mixture with redox titrimetric analysis. The procedure for obtaining an ABTS+•-radical in the laccase oxidation of ABTS has been developed. The subsequent isolation of the radical cation by gel chromatography on a column with Sephadex G-10 was applied. The extinction coefficient for the ABTS+•-radical was determined using various approaches and it was equaled (3.3±0.2)·104 L∙(mol∙cm)-1. Ascorbic acid has been proposed as a reagent for the solution of ABTS+•-radical and •DPPH standardization. Redox titration with ABTS+• and •DPPH might be used for recording the kinetics of consumption of polyphenol during its oxidation in the presence of the Trametes versicolor laccase.

stable radicals, laccase, phenols, ascorbic acid, oxidation, spectrophotometry, redox titration
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