Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
The effect of ozonized saline solution (OSS) with an ozone concentration in an ozone-oxygen mixture of 400 μg/L, administered intraperitoneally to male Sprague Dawley rats, on the fatty acid composition of the blood plasma, liver, and solid PC-1 liver carcinoma were studied. It was found that in the blood plasma of tumor-bearing rats, the amount of docosahexaenoic acid increased, accompanied by a decrease in the amount of palmitic and palmitoleic acids. After exposure of tumor-bearing rats to OSS, the amount of docosahexaenoic acid decreased to the level of intact animals. There were no changes in the amount of FAs in the liver and tumor tissue in any variant of the study. The tumor decreased an activity of catalase in the liver of animals. Exposure to OSS led to an even greater decrease in catalase activity in the liver of intact animals and tumor carriers. It is assumed that the exposure to OSS, as well as the tumor growth, trigger stress-induced tissue-specific free radical reactions in the body of rats, which depend on the type of tumor and the stage of tumor growth. The data obtained indicate the need for the correct dosage of OSS to control the intensity and direction of oxidative processes during tumor growth.
liver carcinoma, ozone, ozonized saline solution, fatty acids, superoxide dismutase, catalase
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