It is shown that the optical density (D750) of a suspension of Porphyridium purpureum and absolutely dry weight are linearly related. Using the method of least squares, the coefficient of connection between the optical density D750 and the wet weight of the culture was calculated, which is 0.051.Knowing the proportion of water in the wet mass of P. purpureum (0.132), it is possible to determine the relationship between the optical density and dry weight of P. purpureum , where the coefficient of relationship between the optical density of culture and dry weight is 0.395. It is noted that the determination of P. purpureum biomass by optical density of the culture on KFK-3 depends on the position of the cuvette in the cuvette holder and can change the instrument values by 1.9 times. Since when using KFK-3, the sum of the values of optical density and light scattering (attenuation) is measured. Thus, an express method for assessing the density of P. purpureum biomass by optical density has been developed.
methods for measuring density, optical density, red microalgae
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