The paper is focused on the growth Phaeodactylum tricornutum batch culture in the natural light conditions. The experiments were carried out in the area of the city of Sevastopol in a horizontal photobioreactor in winter. All external factors (temperature, pH, amount of nutrients in the nutrient medium) were in the optimal range for this species. The only variable value was the influx of solar radiation. In the experiment, changes in the Ph. tricornutum biomass and the influx of solar radiation were determined for nine days. It is shown that the average growth rate was 2.37 g DW m-2 day-1. The daylight productivity of Ph. tricornutum was about 4-8 g SV/m2. The averaged value of the night biomass loss was 18 % of the current culture density, and the losses from the daytime gain reached 100%. A comparison of the obtained average productivity of Ph. tricornutum with the literature data showed that the average value is determined by the influx of solar radiation for given geographical latitude. The daylight productivity and night biomass loss is determined by biochemical composition of Ph. tricornutum culture.
microalgae, influx of solar radiation, night biomass loss
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