Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The density of the capillary network ( Nc ), the degree of capillarization of muscle tissue ( Nc/Nf ), diffusion distances (Krog radius - RK ) and the chemical composition of skeletal muscles (total lipid level, water content) were studied in three species of marine fish: Liza aurata (Risso 1810), Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas 1814) and Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus 1758), during the annual cycle. The pattern of changes in the diffusion distances in skeletal muscles during the year in all the studied fish species was similar. The natural temperature dynamics determined the density of functioning capillaries, the efficiency of capillarization of muscle tissue, the thickness of the diffusion layer. In the summer period, the values of the indicators were maximum, and in the winter they were minimal. The level of lipids and the degree of hydration of muscle tissue was determined mainly by the functional state of the fish body (feeding, spawning, migration, wintering). It is shown that the content of these compounds can increase or weaken the temperature dependence of the diffusion properties of skeletal muscles as a whole.

capillary network, diffusion characteristics, skeletal muscles, the content of lipids and water, marine fish, the annual cycle
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