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Abstract (English):
The genome of Trichoplax sp. H2 has 10 genes encoding opsin, of which 7 ones are annotated as color-sensitive opsins, from green to ultraviolet. In turn, 10 opsin-like genes were also found in the genome of Trichoplax adhaerens . Full amino acid sequences were inferred for a half of these proteins. Due to the opsins of Trichoplax adhaerens haplotype H1 have been incompletely characterized, it was of special interest to investigate those opsins. For this purpose, multiple sequence alignments of the all 20 opsins from both trichoplax strains were performed, and guide trees were constructed. Structural models of the 20 proteins were created using homologous comparison and then the docking of retinal chromophore was performed. Based on these calculations, 3 complete hypothetical proteins, such as EDV19328.1 of length 465 aa, EDV22726.1 of length 365 aa, and EDV22897.1 of length 319 aa from Trichoplax adhaerens were assigned a blue light sensitivity function. With less chance, the blue light sensitivity could be assigned to 4 incomplete homologous proteins, such as EDV22727.1 (287 aa), EDV19349.1 (188 aa), EDV19891.1 (161 aa), and EDV18601.1 (137 aa) from strain H1. The being of multiple opsin genes in the genomes of haplotypes H1 and H2 suggests that Placozoa are capable of distinguishing shades of blue, and this possibly allows them to navigate in the seawater.

annotation, biological functions, homology, structural modeling, opsins, Placozoa
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