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Abstract (English):
The present investigation is devoted to the study of the effect of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on the survival and production of reactive oxygen species in yeast cells. It has been determined that under the action of UV-B radiation on cells, depending on its dose, the rate of oxidation of the dye 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (H2DCF•DA) increases and a high intensity of DCF fluorescence is observed. When cells are modified with ascorbic acid before irradiation, the rate of H2DCF oxidation and the intensity of DCF fluorescence decreases. The survival rate of modified cells is increased. Ascorbic acid reduces the amount of ROS in the suspension of irradiated cells. At high doses (4.5-10 erg/mm2) of irradiation, the antioxidant effect of ascorbic acid in yeast cells is negligible. The concentration of 2-4 dinitrophenol (DNF) 10-7 M was determined as a protector, in which the substance potentially contributes to the manifestation of the effect of "soft uncoupling" in cells and, under the influence of UV-B radiation on yeast cells, helps to reduce the production of reactive oxygen species and an increase in survival. High concentrations (10–3M–10–5 M) of DNP adversely affect the survival of yeast cells and ROS production. So, it can be concluded that under the action of UV-B rays on yeast cells, antioxidants can possibly participate in the regulation of redox homeostasis.

yeast cells, survival, ultraviolet-B radiation, ascorbic acid, 2,4-dinitrophenol
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