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Abstract (English):
One of the main effects influencing the structure and functioning of terrestrial organisms is gravity. Siberian fir turned out to be extremely sensitive to the action of gravity - the crown of adult trees is differentiated according to the type of sexual shoots along the “top-down” axis, the length of the sexual tiers along the tree axis varies significantly. The research was conducted in the territory of the National Park "Krasnoyarskie Stolby", located on the northwestern spurs of the Eastern Sayan, on the Kuysum (Krasnoyarsk) Ridge, the territory belongs to the Eastern Sayan mountain taiga region of pine-cedar fir forests. The study has shown differences in the structural and functional parameters of fir shoots of different "sex". Changes in the biometric parameters of generative and vegetative shoots and needles are due to the peculiarities of their anatomical structure. Determination of anatomical and morphological parameters of shoots and needles was performed on model trees with average taxonomic characteristics and without visual signs of damage. It is assumed that the peculiarities of shoots structure of different sexualization are caused by their functional role. More powerful generative shoots at the tree top already in the first year of development (formation of generative buds) provide the maximum inflow of nutrients to reproductive organs. The role of the physical imprint in the structural features of individuals of the species at the cellular and tissue levels is discussed.

Abies sibirica Ledeb., crown differentiation, shoots, morphological and anatomical parameters
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