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Abstract (English):
Hydraulic structures, which are constantly present in bays, are one of the factors affecting the condition of coastal waters. Microperiphyton, which is formed on hydraulic structures in coastal zones with varying degrees of anthropogenic and recreational pressure, has the greatest indicative value. Microbiological studies of periphyton significantly complement the characterization of the ecological state of the coast. This study presents data on the quantitative distribution of heterotrophic and hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria in the microperiphyton of silt deposits of the southern breakwater of Sevastopol Bay and the eastern breakwater of Kamyshovaya Bay. The total number of heterotrophic bacteria in the silt deposits of the southern breakwater generally ranged from 103 to 104 cells/ml, while that of the eastern breakwater mainly varied within 103–105 cells/ml. The results obtained indicate that the silty deposits in the considered water areas to the development of the analyzed groups of bacteria participating in the processes of self-purification of water areas, and their number does not depend on the depth. Data analysis showed that the number of heterotrophic bacteria in the eastern breakwater was higher than in the southern breakwater. Seasonal differences in the number of studied groups of bacteria were not revealed. It was found that the processes of self-purification of the marine environment from oil and petroleum products are more active on the outer side of the breakwater, and these processes are more pronounced on the southern breakwater.

heterotrophic and hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria, hydraulic structures, breakwater, Black Sea
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