In 1900, American chemist Willis R. Whitney established the first U.S. industrial research laboratory (GERL), Schenectady, New York, at General Electric (GE). Inventions, improvements, new processes and new knowledge, which were obtained and developed in the research laboratory not only in the field of radio electronics, but also in other areas, have become an invaluable asset for both the company and society. This allowed GE to become the largest American Corporation as well as the most diversified Corporation in the world. Whitney became known as"the father of basic research in industry." His organization of research has become a model for industrial science laboratories in other parts of the United States.
General Electric Company, Willis R. Whitney, industrial research laboratory, Schenectady, leadership style, creative atmosphere, recruitment
1. Buderi Robert. Engines of tomorrow : How The World’s Best Companies Are Using Their Research Labs to Win the Future. Simon & Schuster, 2000. 448 p.
2. General Electric Metallized. Ocherki po istorii izobreteniy. Blog Aleksandra Mickevichyusa ob izobreteniyah, izmenivshih mir. URL: (10.12.2019).
3. Whitney, Willis Rodney (1887-1958), URL: (07.05.2019).
4. Harvard Square Library. Whitney, Willis Rodney (1887-1958). URL: (07.05.2019).
5. Suits Guy. Willis Rodney Whitney 1868-1958. Biographical Memoir. Washington D. C. National Academy of Sciences, 1960. 19 p.
6. Edison Tech Center. General Electric Research Lab. URL: (07.05.2019).
7. Edison Tech Center. The accomplishments and life of engineering pioneer C. W. Rice, 1888-1951. URL: (07.05.2019).
8. Brittain James E. Electrical Engineering Hall of Fame Willis R. Whitney // Proceedings of the IEEE, 2007. Vol. 95, No. 12. Pp. 2472-2476.