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Abstract (English):
A comparison of the biochemical composition of saliva and the intensity of absorption bands on the IR spectra of samples obtained during the day with an interval of 3 hours is given. It is shown that the IR spectra of samples obtained in the daytime and at night are significantly different. Thus, in the daytime, the intensity of bands corresponding to sugars and amino acid residues increases, but the intensity of absorption of lipids and free amino groups decreases. At the same time in the daytime, the pH and salivation rate are statistically significantly higher, however, the protein content and the coefficients of Ca / P and Na / K are lower. The calculation of the Spearman correlation coefficients confirmed the correlation between protein content in saliva and the intensity of absorption bands corresponding to amino acid residues and free amino groups. Thus, IR spectroscopy can be used to detect diurnal changes in the composition of biological fluids, in particular saliva.

saliva, infrared spectroscopy, biochemical composition, daily dynamics
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