The work deals with the effect of cavitation on infusoria in the water. It was found that a mechanical destruction of infusoria took place. It was established that for complete destruction of infusoria, their death, it is necessary to perform cavitation treatment within 120 minutes.
cavitation, water treatment, microorganisms, infusoria
1. Persol. I. Kavitaciya. M: Mir, 1975, 95 c. [Persol. I. Cavitation. Moscow: Mir, 1975, 95 p. (In Russ.)]
2. Barbin N.M., Chirkov A.A. Izmeneniya pokazateley krovi sobak pri ih poenii vodoy, proshedshey gidrodinamicheskuyu obrabotku. Aktual'nye voprosy biologicheskoy fiziki i himii, 2017, t. 2, s. 423-425. [Barbin N.M., Chirkov A.A. Changes in blood values of dogs during their watering by hydrodynamic treatment. Russian Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry, 2017, vol. 2, pp. 423-425. (In Russ.)] EDN: