Antioxidant (AO) and antiradical (AR) qualities of some species used in Azerbaijani food culture were examined in present analysis. The AO and AR quality so selected species were proved by methods of DPPH (2,2diphenyl-1picryhydrosil) and chemiluminescence (XC). The alcohol-diluted models of following spices were used in that purpose: carnation (Syzygium aromaticum), caraway (Cuminum Cyminum), black bread grass (Nigella sativa) and saffron (Crocus sativus). Their AO and AR qualities were examined. The qualities of selected spices to react on DPPH stable radical and XL can be lined up as following: saffron > carnation > black bread grass > caraway
species, DPPH assay, antiradical (AR) activity, chemiluminescence
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